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The Astrological Association
Unit 168, Lee Valley Technopark,
Tottenham Hale, London. N17 9LN
Tel: 0208 880 4848 Fax: 0208 880 4849

The AA currently has about 1,600 members, 1,000 in the UK and the rest around the world. Most members keep in touch with the AA via its four publications.
The principle publication is the Journal, published six times a year, and respected around the world as a forum for high quality debate and discussion. The current editor is Gerasime Patilas. Past editors include Robin Health, Suzi Harvey, Zach Matthews, Joan Rodgers, Adrian Ross Duncan and John Addey himself. Ocassional guest editors take responsible for special issues, and in the recent past Nick Campion and Charles Harvey have prepared mundane issues (Nick also edited a history issue) and Jane Ridder-Patrick edited a medical issue.
The AA also publishes Correlation, an academic level bi-annual journal on astrological research and edited by Pat Harris, a Newsletter containing information, debate and opinion, and the Medical Astrology Newsletter, the only journal in the world devoted to medical astrology.
The AA also organises occasional seminars on all aspects of astrology. The highlight of the astrological year is, of course the annual conference, which is always held on the weekend following the first Friday in September, beginning on the Friday and concluding on the Monday with a choice of post-conference events.

The Association of Professional Astrologers (APA)
Peta High, D.F.Astrol.S, R.C.Astrol., APA Chair,
5, Greenway, Woodford Green, Essex. IG9 7RD
Tel/Fax: 0208 498 9850

The APA is the only astrological organisation able to offer professional astrological insurance for its members. Therefore choosing an Astrologer from the APA Consultants list will ensure that you are approaching someone who has been accepted by the APA as a professional and has agreed to abide by its Code of Ethics. The fee you may have to pay for a consultation will vary according to the type of work required.
For Full Membership the requirement is for Diploma from an APAE-recognised body plus two years' post-Diploma experience as a consultant astrologer.
Applicants who have had many years' professional experience prior to being awarded a recognised Diploma may be eligible to join the Association immediately upon receipt of their Diploma; those seeking to apply in this way should first contact the Secretary before applying.
Those who have a recognised Diploma but are newly qualified may apply for Associate Membership.
Students in their final year of training at an APAE-recognised institution, may apply for Student Membership at a reduced rate.

British Astrological and Psychic Society (BAPS)
PO Box 363, Rochester. ME1 3DJ
Tel: 09064 700 827

The society was founded in 1976 by Russell Grant, now President Emeritus, and it exists to provide a means of brining together those actively working in or interested in, the many different aspects of esoteric, spiritual and new age teaching, such as Psychic Perception, Astrology, Palmistry, Tarot, Numerology and Healing. The aspect of sharing knowledge across many different disciplines is the quality which has made the Society a strong force for the dissemination of esoteric teachings. This has also resulted in a core of professionals at the heart of the society, who enjoy and excellent reputation for the breadth and quality of their work. In this context the Society's consultant members and BAPS 'stands' have become a regular and well-known feature at many of the festivals around this country and abroad.
BAPS has a strict code of ethics and conduct which all consultant members of the society must adhere to, it has a complaints procedure and courses in astrology, tarot, numerology, palmistry, psychic perception, runes etc.

British Association for Vedic Astrology (BAVA)
52 Church Road, Epsom, Surrey. KT17 4DN
Tel: 01372 721 047

The British Association for Vedic Astrology is a non-profit making organisation which aims to promote knowledge of Vedic Astrology. BAVA wants to advocate the deeper spiritual aspects which Vedic Astrology can offer and to increase awareness of this ancient science through regular lectures, workshops, seminars and conferences. The Association will also help to co-ordinate Vedic Astrology activities in the UK.
If you are a Vedic Astrologer or a student of Vedic Astrology or you are interested in increasing your knowledge of Vedic Sciences, or as a Western Astrologer you want to expand your horizons and delve into the spiritual and traditional Astrology of ancient India, BAVA is for you. BAVA aims to provide the opportunity to listen and learn from some of the greatest contemporary exponents of this fascinating and deeply spiritual science.