BKS Iyengar Yoga Teachers Association of the UK (BKSIYTA)
Email: info@bksiyta.co.uk
Website: www.bksiyta.co.uk
Manchester was the first Iyengar Yoga institute to be set up, even before the parent Institute in Pune. There are now many Iyengar Yoga Institutes throughout the UK.
Since the Teachers' Association was set up in 1977 it has worked to develop and operate a system of training for new Iyengar Yoga teachers and to maintain the standard of qualified teachers. The training system developed is compatible with Mr Iyengar's high standards for the practise and teaching of yoga.
Four levels of teacher are recognised: Introductory, Intermediate Junior, Intermediate Senior and Advanced; each have a syllabus of postures to be practised and taught up to a satisfactory standard. Teachers are permitted to teach only those postures included in the syllabus for which they have qualified.
Iyengar Yoga is a way of life rather than a physical exercise. So before a prospective student can start the Introductory level teacher training course he/she is asked to study Iyengar Yoga with a qualified teacher for 5 years (as of 2003), and to reach a required standard in his/her own practice. Generally the Introductory course takes 2 years to complete with assessments each year.
Only those teachers who hold the BKSIYTA teaching certificate are allowed to call themselves Iyengar Yoga Teachers. To keep their teaching fresh, teachers are recommended to attend regular classes with a more senior teacher. Teachers who have achieved the standard of the BKSIYTA Teaching Certificate must attend annual Revalidation Days for at least 3 years in any 5 years period in order to keep the certificate. Teachers who fail to attend the required number of Revalidation Days are removed from the register of Iyengar Yoga Teachers.
The BKSIYTA arranges an annual weekend convention at which a senior teacher, often from Pune, nominated by Mr Iyengar, teaches classes to teachers and students to disseminate current ideas from Pune. Newsletters keep teachers up to date on events and topics of interest.
The British Wheel of Yoga
25 Jermyn Street, Sleaford, Lincs. NG34 7RU
Tel: 01529 306 851 Fax: 01529 303 233
Email: office@bwy.org.uk
Website: www.bwy.org.uk
We encourage greater knowledge and understanding of yoga and are committed to:
Be progressive, expanding and professional
Act as focus for yoga organisations in the UK
Work together to promote benefits
Provide facilities for all people regardless of age, ability, class, colour or creed.
Viniyoga Britain
105 Gales Drive, Three Bridges, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1QD
Tel/fax: 01293 536664
Email: paul@viniyoga.demon.co.uk
Website: www.viniyoga.co.uk
Viniyoga Britain's view of yoga is inspired by the approach of TKV Desikachar and his teacher
T. Krishnamacharya. Viniyoga Britain grew out of nearly three decades of this approach being taught in the UK and was formally founded in 1992 to help transmit the work of TKV Desikachar and to develop study and training options for students.
The aim of Viniyoga Britain is the teaching of Yoga in the West respecting the spirit of Viniyoga.
This is the offering of yoga as a support and tool in helping to sustain physical health, psychological vitality and spiritual purpose within the commitments and demands of daily life, work, and relationships in todays society
Viniyoga means the appropriate application of Yoga according to the situation. Viniyoga is the teaching of Yoga practices respecting differences in age, gender, mental and physical health, culture, religion, philosophy, occupation and interest.
Within the UK and Ireland the teaching of Viniyoga is represented by Viniyoga Britain, the national professional training body supporting those students who have undertaken to complete at least six years yoga study and practice, of which four years is Viniyoga teaching and therapy training to qualify and be fully licenced as Viniyoga Practitioners.
The Viniyoga Britain Stage Three Register requires all Practitioners wishing to remain Licenced to attend annual in-service training programmes.
Qualified Licensed and Registered Training Practitioners offer small group classes, seminars, workshops and individual tuition or therapy.
Yoga Biomedical Trust (CYBT)
The Yoga Therapy Centre, Homoeopathic Hospital,
60 Great Ormond Street, London. WC1N 3HR
Tel: 0207 419 7195 (general enquiries) 0207 419 7911 (training & workshops)
The YBTa registered charity founded in 1983 dedicated to the development of yoga as a therapy in the treatment and prevention of specific ailments and medical conditions. This emphasis on the specific rather than the general application o yoga gives the Trust a unique position at the interface of traditional and complementary medicine. In practice, this involves the organization in programmes of training, clinical work and research, all under the guidance and auspices of practitioners of international standing.
The Yoga for Health Foundation
Ickwell Bury, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire. SG18 9EF
Tel: 01767 627271 Fax: 01767 627266
Email: admin@yogaforhealthfoundation.co.uk
Website: www.yogaforhealthfoundation.co.uk
We are a registered charity promoting the practice of yoga for all - from the fittest to the most seriously disabled.
Yoga is neither just a series of exercises nor a life sitting and contemplating ones navel!
It offers a deep understanding of a way of life which will bring peace of mind and promote both mental and physical well-being.
The Holistic Centre, Middleton Road, Middleton, Lancs, LA3 3JJ
Tel/fax: 01524 858 500
Email: maria@youandmeyoga.com
Website: www.youandmeyoga.com
YOU&ME is an acronym of the words Yoga Opening Unfolding & Meaningful Experience, which reflects the inner development that can take place in students through regular practice.
Maria Gunstone, the founder of the YOU&ME Whole-Body-Movement system, is a yoga specialist and teacher of people with special needs. Maria was an approved speaker for the British Wheel of Yoga, and she has written articles on yoga for people with learning difficulties that have been published world-wide. Maria was sponsored by Mencap City Foundation in 1992 to produce the YOU&ME Teaching Video, a 2 year production filmed in the British Isles and Republic of Ireland. In 1997 and 2000, Mencap sponsored her again to continue her pioneering work.
Maria has been a student and practitioner of yoga since 1973, following a car accident where she sustained multiple injuries. She has since dedicated her work to the service of others who can benefit from yoga. In 1974 Maria set up a yoga centre for over 100 members of the community and since 1978 she has worked with disabled people, mainly persons with learning difficulties. In 1984 Maria won an award to visit India on a Churchill Fellowship to investigate the therapeutic value of yoga for disabled people.
Maria has combined her experiences and knowledge to form the YOU&ME Yoga system where colour, sound and movement are used to form the Whole-Body-Movement system appropriate to the requirements and culture of the west. The system is suitable for staff and parents to teach their charges. Maria has taught her YOU&ME system to more than 2000 staff working in Special Needs with all age groups throughout the UK.