The Bach flower remedies work by stimulating the bodys own capacity to heal itself, by balancing negative feelings, helping you to take control, feel good about yourself, and get more out of life.
The Bach flower remedies are unique, simple to use, suitable for all the family and widely available from all major pharmacies and health food stores.
The Bach flower remedies, although probably the most famous, are not the only flower remedies available. It is also possible to obtain Australian Bush Flower Remedies, Himilayan Flower Essences and Findhorn Flower Essences (amongst others). A qualified practitioner will be able to advise on the most effective remedies for the individual client.
Information by:
The Bach Foundation
Dr Edward Bach dedicated his life to the healing of the sick and to discovering a harmless and simple means of restoring good health. Dr Bach was an eminent physician whose medical experience and expertise was highly regarded. He was greatly involved with immunology and homeopathy, but his work concluded with the discovery of 38 flower remedies. Each one is for a different mood, emotion or personality type and their action is gently to restore the balance between mind, body and spirit by helping the sufferer overcome negative attitudes such as worry, hopelessness, irritability and so on, all of which hinder recovery and are often the true cause of ill health. The remedies do not treat physical disease, but by bringing about a state of mind that is condusive to health and happiness, ones whole system has a chance to respond positively and begin its own natural healing process.
The remedies, made from mother tinctures prepared at Mount Vernon, are bottled, labelled and distributed by A. Nelson Co Ltd, from premises in nearby Abingdon. But the preparation of the Mother Tinctures remains the responsibility of the Bach Centre. The techniques used have been personally passed on through a chain of successors which ensures that the remedies are made correctly and carefully with all the dedication and experience that naturally follows from such a close link. The Centre is committed to making the remedies available everywhere, without sacrificing the ideals of purity and simplicity.