AVON Rising Dragon Tai Chi School - Bath Pete Morris & Felicity Bowers BATH/AVON/BRADFORD UPON AVON Email: petemorris.ha@gtnet.gov.uk Website: www.risingdragontaichi.com BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, T'AI CHI, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), ENERGY MEDICINE / ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, MEDITATION, QIGONG, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION. Pete: Fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union OFGB, Professional Organisation Membership: TCUGB. Felicity - Fully accredited by RDTC. Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The school's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life. (e-mail also: felicity.bowers@virgin.net)
BERKSHIRE Tilly Flynn-Lawson Windsor Tel: 01753 831141 Email: reikiroostuk@aol.com Website: www.reikiroost.furf3.net REIKI, CRYSTALS/CRYSTAL HEALING, INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE, HOPI EAR CANDLES, METAMORPHIC TECHNIQUE, CHAKRAS, ANIMAL HEALING, ACUPRESSURE, MERIDIAN THERAPY, ACUPRESSURE. BCMA, MICHT, Member of the Crystal Healing Federation. Reiki Master. Tilly has been practising for 2 years at a private clinic, and also provides flexible mobile appointments to hospitals, hospices, day centres and offices. Please visit the website for more information.
BIRMINGHAM Rising Dragon Tai Chi - Birmingham Alec Jones Birmingham Tel: 01584 890 284 Email: alec@rdtc.bham.freeserve.co.uk Website: www.risingdragontaichi.com BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, T'AI CHI, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), ENERGY MEDICINE/ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, MEDITATION, QIGONG, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION. Fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union of GB. Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB. Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The School's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life.
BRISTOL Rising Dragon Tai Chi School - Bristol Gail Minter Bristol/Avon Tel: 0117 983 2982 Email: gail@rdtcbristol.freeserve.co.uk Website: www.risingdragontaichi.com BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, T'AI CHI, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), ENERGY MEDICINE / ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, MEDITATION, QIGONG, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION. Fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union of GB. Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB. Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The School's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life.
CHESHIRE Prem-Healing Brian Rolfe Winsford Road, Cholmondeston, Cheshire Tel: 01270 528 473 Email: brian@prem-healing.co.uk Website: www.prem-healing.co.uk ASTROLOGY, BIOENERGETICS (ENERGY MEDICINE), CHAKRAS, SPIRITUAL COUNSELLING, EMOTIONAL THERAPY, FLOWER REMEDIES, HEALING (GENERAL/OTHER), LIFE COACHING, MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENCE, MEDITATION, NUTRITION, REIKI, SPIRITUAL HEALING, STRESS AWARENESS / MANAGEMENT/ RELAXATION, WEIGHT CONTROL, WORKSHOPS, VITAMINS AND MINERALS, TAROT, SUPPLEMENTS, VIBRATIONAL MEDICINE, BREATHING AND BREATHWORK. Member of the College of Healing (1999), Reiki Master (1996 through the Chalice of Trust), Member of the BFVEA (1999), Independent distributor of Minerals, Vitamins, Diet and Nutritional Supplements (1999), Member of the Institute of Management (since 1992), trained to Level 2 - Touch for Health (Kinesiology)(1999). Brian spent more than 20 years as an amateur healer, whilst working as a professional engineer and manager. He moved to Cheshire in 1997 to establish a practice as a professional healer and Reiki Master, combining this with Flower Essences and astrology to release blocks, and with physical therapies such as nutrtional supplements, diet and exercise planning. He also works as a teacher, running courses in Reiki, assertiveness, meditation, Buddhism, lifestyle management and networking.
CORNWALL Nick Skedgel Gwallon Lane, Marazon, Penzance Tel: 01736 719 251/07812 655 862 CRYSTALS/CRYSTAL HEALING, REIKI, CHAKRAS. Reiki Level 1, 2 years training to become ICGT member. Nick uses his extensive knowledge of crystals to help to balance energies through crystal layout and chakra balancing, using a pendulum to tailor specific treatments to clients' needs.
DORSET Wessex Kinesiology Centre (Office) Bill Rhys Poole, Dorset Tel: 01202 678 947 Email: billrhys@lineone.net Website: www.billrhyskinesiology.org.uk KINESIOLOGY, NEURAL ORGANISATION TECHNIQUE, NEUROLINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING (NLP), STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION, DOWSING, HEALING (GENERAL/OTHER), CLINICS, FLOWER REMEDIES, MERIDIAN THERAPY, CHAKRAS. Diploma of the institute of Stress Management (1990). Studied clinical dowsing with Jack Temple during 1991/92. Kinesiology studied with leading practitioners/educators from the UK and USA. Licensed Neuro Linguistic Programmer. Touch for Health Instructor. Instructor of the Kinesiology Federation Foundation Course. UK Instructor of Neural Organisation Technique. Kinesiology Federation Registered Practitioner and on BCMA register. Practice Address: Wessex Kinesiology Centre, Suite 3, The Quay, Poole, BH15 1HJ. I get a wide range of clients. Over the last few years I have been working with a Behavioural Optometrist and helping an ever growing number of dyslexic children. I find the beauty of Kinesiology is that you deal with all three sides of the triangle of health (structure, bio-chemistry and the emotions) in each session, in a way that no other therapy seems to do, and that the body sets its own priority so that one rarely sees any side effects, only steady or even dramatic improvement. Recent computerisation of my practice now enables me to produce helpful and meaningful reports for my clients. Like many Kinesiologists I use a wide range of therapies - flower remedies, other homeopathics, meridian, chakra and healing energies as well as standard kinesiological techniques, indeed whatever the body asks for. If I cannot do it myself (say Colonic Irrigation) I usually know someone who can. It is the client who matters.
HEREFORDSHIRE Rising Dragon Tai Chi School Richard Farmer Poulstone Court, Kings Caple, Herefordshire Tel: 01432 840251 Email: info@risingdragon.co.uk Website: www.rdta.co.uk/poulstone/comein.htm BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, VENUES, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), ENERGY MEDICINE/ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, MEDITATION, QIGONG, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION, T'AI CHI, I CHING. RDTC Principal Instructor and Founder Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB. A clear vibrant space available to nourish, support and serve groups and courses.
LONDON CENTRAL Linda Michaels Kingston and Surbiton. Tel: 020 8546 1368 TAROT, CLAIRVOYANCE, DISTANCE HEALING, CHAKRAS, SPIRITUAL COUNSELLING. Consultant Member of BAPS - Karmic relationships, psychic self-defense, spiritual guidance, chakra readings. Linda started to have psychic experience during her teen years, and went on to learn about esoteric subjects in her twenties. She joined a spiritual development group in 1984, and this led to her developing her sixth sense. She was taught tarot by her guides, and, after reading for friends, this spiritual development culminated in her qualifying to be a consultant member of BAPS. She now offers consultations in any of the above, either by telephone or in person. She also offers lectures, demonstrations and group readings.
MERSEYSIDE Crystal Harmony Barbara Hendrick Tarbock Green, Merseyside Tel: 0151 487 5112/07967 415999 CRYSTALS/CRYSTAL HEALING, REIKI, CHAKRAS, WORKSHOPS, PRODUCTS AND SUPPLIES. MIACHT- Diploma and Post-Graduate Diploma, Member of ACHO, Level 2 Reiki Practitioner. Talks and parties. Crystals and handcrafted jewellery. Barbara has been a practising Crystal Healing Therapist for 5 years, and is fully insured. She has a great respect for the healing energies of crystals and has developed her own abilities and self-awareness over a number of years. She also has an understanding of other complementary/alternative therapies.
MIDDLESEX Triangle of Life Alan & Joy Warman Southall, Middlesex Tel: 020 8571 4435 Fax: 020 8571 4435 Email: triangleoflife@btopenworld.com Website: www.triangleof life.com TAROT, CHAKRAS, CLAIRVOYANCE, COLOUR THERAPY, CRYSTALS/CRYSTAL HEALING, NUMEROLOGY, PSYCHICS. The cards are intuitive guidance incorporating numerology, crystal, chakras and colour co-ordination. They are triangular and easy to read for novices and experienced intuitives alike.
NORFOLK The Holistic Health Centre Thespina Georgiou Southtown, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk Tel: 01493 600910/07789 338476 Email: thesgergiou@yahoo.co.uk SPIRITUAL HEALING, REFLEXOLOGY, AROMATHERAPY, INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE, REIKI, MASSAGE (GENERAL), PAIN RELIEF/ CONTROL/MANAGEMENT, CHAKRAS, AURA WORK, STRESS AWARENESS/ MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION. IIHHT, VAI, ITEC, MIFA, IFR, Reiki Master/Teacher, IFSH. I work as a healer and alternative therapist, specialising in stress related disorders, pain, insomnia, and balancing the chakras and aura. Treating mind body and spirit. Reiki Training available. Please call for more information.
SCOTLAND - GLASGOW Rising Dragon Tai Chi School - Glasgow Susanne Lin Jensen & Larry Butler Glasgow Tel: 01852 500547 Fax: 8096/0141 3576939 Email: susannelinjensen@hotmail.com Website: www.risingdragontaichi.com BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, T'AI CHI, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), ENERGY MEDICINE/ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, MEDITATION, QIGONG, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION. Both fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union of GB. Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB. Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The School's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life. (E-mail also butlerlarry@hotmail.com)
SCOTLAND - REST OF Rising Dragon Tai Chi School - Stirling Rhona Campbell Stirling Tel: 01786 821 311 Email: rhona@onet-co.uk Website: www.risingdragontaichi.com BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, T'AI CHI, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), ENERGY MEDICINE/ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, MEDITATION, QIGONG, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION. Fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union of GB. Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB. Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The School's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life.
Michael R Holland Luthermuir, Lawrencekirk Tel: 01674 840 969 Fax: 01674 840 969 REIKI, CRYSTALS/CRYSTAL HEALING, AROMATHERAPY, SHIATSU, MASSAGE (GENERAL), SWEDISH, HOLISTIC AND THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE, AURA WORK, HEALING (GENERAL/OTHER), COLOUR THERAPY, RUNES, CHAKRAS. BA (Hons), Members BAPS, Currently obtaining psychology diploma, HND print technology, qualified Aromatherapist since 1969, practising Shiatsu Masseur since 1969, qualified teacher of philosophy/psychology and spiritual matters. Michael is a widely travelled and psychically aware soul with many talents, much deep appreciation and understanding born out of over forty years of 'hands-on' experience in this life-time. He has experienced, first hand, a great many traumas and problems, both physical and emotional, turning his attention to the Complementary Arena in order to find the right answers and treatments for himself, and, through that deep involvement, he has been able to assist, lift and empower many hundreds of people.
Rising Dragon Tai Chi School - Oban Susanne Lin Jensen Oban Tel: 01852 500 547 Email: susannelinjensen@hotmail.com Website: www.risingdragontaichi.com BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, T'AI CHI, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), ENERGY MEDICINE / ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION. Fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union of GB. Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The School's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life.
Rising Dragon Tai Chi School - Lochgilphead Bert van Oldeniel Lochgilphead, Scotland Tel: 01546 886 310 Email: bertvo@wsmithnet.co.uk Website: www.risingdragontaichi.com BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, T'AI CHI, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), ENERGY MEDICINE/ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, MEDITATION, QIGONG, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION. Fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union of GB. Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The School's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life.
WALES Rising Dragon Tai Chi School - Mid Wales Heather & Brian Williams Llandrindod Wells/Powys Tel: 01597 823 320 Email: bri_hez@yahoo.com Website: www.risingdragontaichi.com BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, T'AI CHI, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), ENERGY MEDICINE/ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, MEDITATION, QIGONG, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION, T'AI CHI. Fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union of GB. Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The School's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life.
Rising Phoenix Tai Chi School Newport, Cardiff, Penarth, Cowbridge, Merthyr Tel: 029 2020 6042 Email: info@shibashi.com Website: www.shibashi.com BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, T'AI CHI, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN),ENERGY MEDICINE/ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, MEDITATION, QIGONG, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION. Fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union of GB. Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The School's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life.
Rising Dragon Tai Chi School - Gwent Annie Gorton Harding Gwent, Wales Tel: 01291 690 310 Email: annierdtc@aol.com Website: www.risingdragontaichi.com BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, T'AI CHI, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), ENERGY MEDICINE/ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, MEDITATION, QIGONG, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION. Fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union of GB. Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The School's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life.
WARWICKSHIRE Rising Dragon Tai Chi School - Banbury Sid Revill Banbury/Warwickshire Tel: 01608 663480 BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION, CHINESE MEDICINE, ENERGY MEDICINE/ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), MEDITATION, T'AI CHI. Fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union of GB. Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB. Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The School's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life.
Crystal Wheel Healing Centre Jonathon Kereve-Clarke Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire Tel: 01789 263255/07787 912001 Fax: 01789 263483 Email: kereve@yahoo.com Website: www.geocities.com/crystalwheel AURA-SOMA, COLOUR THERAPY, CHAKRAS, AURA WORK, PAST LIFE/SOUL THERAPY, REIKI, CRYSTALS/CRYSTAL HEALING, BIOENERGETICS (ENERGY MEDICINE). Jonathon Kereve-Clarke (developer of the Kereve System). MIAC, P.AS I ACT and Roger Clarke C.Eng., MI.STRUCT.E, MICCH, Reiki Master. Please feel free to call for more information.
WORCESTERSHIRE Rising Dragon Tai Chi School - Worcester Alan Smith Worcester Tel: 01905 764848 Email: alan@rdtcschool.freeserve.co.uk Website: www.risingdragontaichi.com BREATHING AND BREATHWORK, CHAKRAS, T'AI CHI, CHINESE MEDICINE, DO-IN (DAOYIN, DAO-IN, TAO-IN), ENERGY MEDICINE/ENERGY WORK, FENG SHUI, I CHING, MEDITATION, QIGONG, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION. Fully accredited by RDTC/Teacher Member of Tai Chi Union of GB. Professional Organisation Membership. TCUGB Genuine Chi Kung, solo, duo and sword forms. The School's aim is to help its students be in excellent health and live Tai Chi in daily life.
YORKSHIRE Therapy Connections Brian (Hugo) Goodall Ossett, West Yorkshire Tel: 01924 270 936/07979 604 014 Fax: 01924 270 936 Email: hugo@synergynet.co.uk REIKI, CHAKRAS, INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE, STRESS AWARENESS/MANAGEMENT/RELAXATION, ANGEL HEALING / THERAPY, METAMORPHIC TECHNIQUE. IIHHT, MICHT. Brian (Hugo) Goodall and Diane Holloway are Therapy Connections. Hugo is a Reiki Master and a member of the International Association of Reiki Practitioners. He is also a member of the Institute of Complementary Healing Therapies and the International Institute of Health and Holistic Therapies. He practises Stress Management, Reiki (Master), Angel Therapy, Chakra Balancing, the Metamorphic Technique and Indian Head Massage. Alternative practice address: Diane Holloway, 26 Carlton Rise, Pudsey, W.Yorks, LS28 7LS. 0113 290 9356 / 07713 297832 dianeholloway@ntlworld.com. Diane is also a member of IIHHT and MICHT. She practises Reiki (Master), Indian Head Massage, Angel Therapy, Chakra Balancing and Stress Management. Hugo and Diane teach a variety of courses in Headingley, Leeds, including Reiki, Angel Therapy, Metamorphic Technique and a general introductory course 'Exploring Some Alternative Therapies'. Please call for more details.
Heather Dawn Elemental Health Heather Dawn Bratt Hemsworth, Pontefract, West Yorkshire Tel: 01977 612425 AROMATHERAPY, CRYSTALS/CRYSTAL HEALING, HEALING (GENERAL/OTHER), REIKI, MASSAGE (GENERAL), SPIRITUAL HEALING, CHAKRAS. International Diploma in Holistic Clinical Aromatherapy. MIFPA. AOC Registered. Member of NHS Directory of Aromatherapists. International Diploma in Crystal Healing Therapy. CHSVAM. Full practising Healer, Natural, Spiritual. WFH Accredited Reiki Master. Multi-discipline professional complementary therapist since 1998. Offering a range of clinical and holistic treatment centred around the individual's needs, encompassing areas of pain management, stress relief, general relaxation and balance of the whole. Experienced in palliative care working closely with local hospice. Available for sessional work via GP Practices and Clinics. Referals welcome. Private appointments available week days and early evening. Please contact for further details.