The Anti-Bullying Network
Moray House Institute of Education, University of Edinburgh,
Holyrood Road, Edinburgh. EH8 8AQ
Info Line and Fax: 01316 516 100
The Scottish Executive has established the Network so that teachers, parents and young people can share ideas about how bullying should be tackled. It is freely open to all.
Our services are as follows:
A telephone information line is provided.
Conferences in various parts of Scotland provide an overview of anti-bullying strategies, highlight good practice in schools and enable teachers, young people and parents to share their experiences.
Newsletters are distributed to schools.
Information packs for teachers, parents and young people are provided on request.
A web site was set up in December 1999. Support is offered to schools and local authorities which are organising their own training activities.
A database of anti-bullying initiatives and materials is being developed.
The Anti-Bullying Network is part of the Positive School Ethos Programme which is based at the Faculty of Education of the University of Edinburgh. British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
1 Regent Place, Rugby. CV21 2PJ Tel: 01788 550 899
For over 20 years, BACP has been the UK's leading advocate for counselling professionals. BACP has produced an enviable record in support of the advancement and growth of professional counsellors and the counselling profession.
BACP is recognised by legislators, public bodies and the public at large as the professional body and the leading voice for the counselling and psychotherapy profession in the United Kingdom. It sets national recognised and consistent standards for accreditation and self-regulation. All members must adhere to their strict code of practice.
39 Warwick Road, Atherton, Manchester. M46 9TA
Fax: 0870 138 8166
A professional body with its own code of conduct and independent complaints procedure.
National register of UK Counsellors.
NHS National Independent Provider Code 8G919 Whilst some of their members are medical practitioners and nurses, the majority have no medical qualifications other than the counselling qualifications listed against their names in the counselling register. Advice and information on their web site is not offered by medically qualified persons unless a clear statement is made to the contrary. Their web site is situated in the UK, and they are registered under the UK Data Protection Act.
Mediation UK
Alexander House, Telephone Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4BS
Tel: 01179 046 661 Fax: 01179 043 331
Mediation UK is a national charity which represents and supports mediation within local communities.
It is at the hub of a national network of mediation services which usually specialise in one or more areas of mediation. These areas can involve anything from resolving conflicts between neighbours or amongst school children, to mediating between victims of crime and their offenders. Mediation UK also supports constructive conflict resolution within institutions such as the workplace, and specific sectors like the health service.
Mediation UK represents a combination of 500 mediators, mediation services and individuals interested in conflict resolution issues. Over 170 registered community mediation services currently exist throughout the UK, offering trained mediators to enable parties in dispute to reach mutually acceptable agreements. The majority of these services are free to the user.
Mediation UK is not involved in promoting Family (i.e. divorce and separation) or commercial mediation. There are other organisations dealing with these matters with whom Mediation UK meets in the Joint Mediation Forum.
National Family Mediation (NFM)
Tel: 0207 383 5993
National Family Mediation is a network of over 60 local not-for-profit Family Mediation Services in England and Wales offering help to couples, married or unmarried who are in the process of separation and divorce. We are committed to providing mediation to everyone who needs it in all communities.
All but one of the NFM Services is a charity in its own right. Each has its own premises, dedicated to family mediation.
About 80% of Services receive partnership grants from their local Probation Services, and some are in receipt of Local Authority grants for preventative services for children.
Seven of our Services are managed by a subcommittee of the local Relate ( Five are managed by NCH Action for Children in partnership with the Probation Service. All the others are governed by local Trustees.
NFM mediators help clients to reach joint decisions about the issues associated with their separation - children, finance and property. Several NFM services also provide specialist services for children.
NFM has well established quality assurance standards. Many of our services have been awarded pilot mediation franchise contracts by the Legal Aid Board, under the new Family Law Act. Our mediators are carefully selected and trained to a high standard nationally.
NFM is a founder body of the UK College of Family mediators which sets and maintains high standards for the profession.
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London. EC2A 3NH.
Tel: 02078 252 500 Fax: 02078 252 525
The NSPCC is the UK's leading charity specialising in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children. It has been protecting children from abuse for over 100 years. The NSPCC is the only childrens charity in the UK with statutory powers enabling it to act to safeguard children at risk.
Through their Education Programme the NSPCC is promoting several different initiatives which can directly impact on the problem of bullying.
The NSPCC Child Protection Helpline is a free, 24-hour service that provides counselling, information and advice to anyone concerned about a child at risk of ill treatment or abuse.
So if you are worried about a child and don't know what to do, or if you are a concerned young person yourself, then just pick up the phone and dial 0808 800 5000. If you have a hearing difficulty, you can use our text phone 0800 056 0566.
The NSPCC Helpline is staffed by experienced counselors who will listen and speak to you in confidence. If they need to, they will then contact social services or the police to protect a child at risk. Our Helpline counselors can also advise on general childcare and family problems.
Help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We never turn any one away. Remember, we are here to help you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and calls are free. All our counselors are trained child protection workers with years of experience of working with families. And if youd rather talk to either a male or a female counselor, we'll do our very best to arrange this.
Will anyone know that I've phoned?
If you're worried that people will find out that youve called us, bear in mind that the NSPCC Helpline number doesnt show up on itemised phone bills unless you call from a mobile phone. (Calling us from a mobile phone is not free.)
Remember also that we can't trace your number. We never tape-record calls either - our counsellors make written notes which are later stored away securely.
Herbert Gray College, Little Church Street, RUGBY, Warwickshire. CV21 3AP
Tel: 01788 573 241 Fax: 01788 535007
(This is for general information only. We do not offer counselling at this address)
Relate is about relationships, all kinds of relationships. Whether you are having problems getting on with your partner, your kids, your siblings or even your boss - Relate can help.
We know relationships arent easy. They are subject to all the stresses and strains of daily life. And they can be hard work. It is not easy to find the time and energy to face up to problems or difficulties. But its not impossible. We believe that with the right skills you can make your relationships work and carry on making them better.
Perhaps you find that you and your partner keep having the same old arguments. We can show you how to break the cycle. Is talking to your teenager like talking to a brick wall? We can help you have a two-way conversation. Maybe you would like to be able to be more assertive at work. We can give you the confidence you need to stand up for yourself.
Your relationships are special. Relate can help you keep them that way.
Relate's telephone helpline
Have you got questions or concerns about your relationship?
Do you need to talk to someone right now?
Are you wondering if counselling can really help?
Call 0845 130 40 10 to talk things through with an experienced Relate counsellor
All calls are entirely confidential.
Relate line operates from 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Calls are charged at local rates.
Relate is the UK's largest and most experienced relationship counselling organisation. For over 60 years we have been helping people to work through their relationship difficulties and reach their own decisions about the best way forward.
Relate employs 2000 qualified counsellors, working in locations throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Association for Family Therapy
and Systemic Practice in the UK (AFT)
12A Executive Suite, St James Court, Wilderspool Causeway, Warrington, Cheshire. WA4 6PS
Tel: 01925 444414 Fax: 0870 1383881
AFT is the Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice in the UK. There are over 1,500 members of AFT. The membership of AFT is multidisciplinary; it includes family therapists, teachers, social workers, psychologists, child and adult psychiatrists, occupational therapists, community psychiatric nurses, conciliation and court welfare officers, guardians ad litem, general practitioners, health visitors and psychotherapists, as well as those who train and manage these professions. Overseas members are welcome.
Although only a minority of AFT members are entitled 'family therapists', one of AFT's purposes is to develop the profession and to establish standards for training and registration through the UK Council for Psychotherapy.
Members of AFT work to improve the standards of professional family therapy and systems practice by using family systems ideas and methods and promoting these ideas in practice, training, management and research. AFT do not provide a referral service.
The National Association of Bereavement Service (NABS)
20 Norton Folgate, London. E1 6DB
Tel 02072 471 080
The NABS Offers advice on bereavement help organisations.
The National Centre for Eating Disorders (NCFED)
54 New Road, Esher, Surrey. KT10 9NU
Tel: 01372 469 493 Fax: 01372 469 550
The National Centre for Eating Disorders (NCFED) was founded in 1984 by Deanne Jade, psychologist, as a small independent treatment service for people suffering from the binge eating disorders, anorexia, and bulimia. The last 18 years has seen an exponential growth of public interest in eating disorders, which in its turn has led to a growth in the number of persons coming forward for help and advice. There is now an unprecedented need for a treatment service for sufferers and their carers.
The NCFED has expanded to meet this need by creating brief one-to-one outpatient interventions for all eating disorders not requiring hospital care, thereby filling a gap in the market hitherto unmet within the Health Service. The centre now runs a telephone counselling service, and a network of affiliated counsellors around the country.
The National Centre has a wealth of experience helping people with issues of eating control, and we can help, wherever you live. Unlike doctors, therapists or nutritionists who work from a single perspective, we offer a holistic approach. In this way we can address the full range of physical, emotional and nutritional aspects of your problem, bringing you a unique and powerful approach.
All National Centre Practitioners have completed their specialist training with the National Centre for Eating Disorders. Their expertise in the physical, nutritional and emotional aspects of these problems ensures both a caring and professional commitment to your needs.